Kensington Investment Company

Kensington Investment Company Inc.

Chris is responsible for Kensington Investment Company’s People and Culture operations. This includes recruiting and onboarding, employee relations, performance management, compensation and benefits, and compliance. He works closely with Associates in Boston, Utah, and NH on all their HR needs.

Chris attended Emmanual College where he obtained a Bachelor’s degree with a double major in English Writing and Literature and Thater Arts and a minor in psychology. Receiving his HR certification in 2020. In addition, he has joined Kensington Investment Company with 10+years of HR and professional experience, working with startup biotech’s, global investment banks, consulting firms, and architecture and design businesses.

Chris enjoys hiking, reading, horror movies, and board games.

“All the world’s a stage, and all the men and women merely players: they have their exits and their entrances; and one man in his time plays many parts, his acts being seven ages.” William Shakespeare

Joined KIC: 2024